Brand: YSI
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626570 MultiLab BOD Lab Kit: MultiLab 4010-1W and OBOD probe
626571 MultiLab Advanced BOD Lab Kit: MultiLab 4010-1W, OBOD probe, and BOD Analyst Pro PC software
626572 MultiLab pH Lab Kit: MultiLab 4010-1W and pH electrode (dual junction combination electrode with integrated temperature sensor)
626573 MultiLab BOD/pH Lab Kit: MultiLab 4010-2W, OBOD probe, and pH electrode (dual junction combination electrode with integrated temperature sensor)
626574 MultiLab Advanced BOD/pH Lab Kit: MultiLab 4010-2W, OBOD probe, BOD Analyst Pro PC software, and pH electrode (dual junction combination electrode with integrated temperature sensor)
The YSI MultiLab line includes the 4010-1W (single channel), 4010-2W (dual channel) and 4010-3W (three channel) instruments providing easy to use and calibrate menu-driven operation ideal for the laboratory.
The MultiLab instruments can accurately measure pH, ORP, conductivity, and DO/BOD in the laboratory. In addition, ISEs can be connected to the MultiLab 4010-2W and 4010-3W with the MultiLab BNC Adaptor.
MultiLab instrument features:
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS)
The IDS sensors automatically store their unique serial number and calibration data. In addition, they also digitally process the measurement signal. The sensors can be moved from instrument to instrument and maintain their calibration data and transmit this information to the new instrument.
The CMC function displays continual monitoring of the sensor's measuring range. The range is represented with a bar and calibration points are shown as vertical lines at the cal point. A moving cursor shows the current measured value and indicates if the measurement is within the calibrated range.
Quality Sensor Control
QSC is a system to monitor the condition of the pH electrode. An initial calibration is performed and, afterwards, the sensor status is monitored and graphically displayed over time.
SKU: 626570
MultiLab IDS Kit Laboratory instrument for pH, ORP, conductivity and BOD in any combination.:
Autostable Yes
Benchtop Yes
Buffer Recognition Yes
Certifications CE, cETLus
Connectivity / Communications Mini USB, USB-A
Data Management 500 data sets in manual mode and 5,000 data sets in automatic mode
Digital / Digital Sensors Yes
Display Large, easy to read graphic display
Equipment used with Multilab IDS probes and accessories
GLP Compliance Yes
Graphic Display Large, easy to read graphic display
Logging Capabilities Yes
Measurement Method / Channels 1 Measurement Channel
Measurement Range pH - 0.000 to 14.000 (+/-0.004), Conductivity - 10 S/cm to 2,000 mS/cm +0.5% of value (301710Y), .01S/cm to 200 S/cm +0.5% of value (301720Y), TDS - 0 to 100C (32 to 212F), Dissolved Oxygen - 0 to 50 mgL; 0 to 500% air saturation, Salinity - 0.0 to 70.0 ppt +0.5% of value
Operating pH Range 0.000 to 14.000 (+/-0.004)
Operating Temperature 32 to 176 degrees F
Parameters Measured Temperature, Conductivity, Resistivity, Salinity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), pH/mV, Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), Partial Pressure, Dissolved Oxygen (% and mg/L* (BOD)
Power Universal power supply
Sampling Yes
Smart Sensors / Ports Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS)
User Calibratable Yes
User Replaceable Yes
Warranty 3 years
Waterproof Yes